The Old Poop is Feeling Frisky

Hello Friends, This is Kim, momanager to the Wonderpurr Gang. Long time no Meow!

After many weeks of chasing my tail about whether to combine some of my social meowdia accounts, or just delete... I finally reached a combo agreement with the Gang. Rabbit agreed to give up his Instagram name of Diary of an AssRabbit, rename it It's a Wonderpurr Life, and allow Dori and Jesse (Shes.Adorapurr) and Fwank, Opie and the rest of his fur sibs (Wonderpurr Life) to move in with him. True, he's no longer the center of attention on that account, but I bought him a pink Lamborghini for his 7th birthday in August, and that helped his ego.

I also grouped She's Adorapurr and Diary of an AssRabbit Facebook pages under the Wonderpurr Life page, but kept the pages so they can comment if they wish under their own names. Hey, I'm all about trying to work with them to keep the peace.

So, my anxiety and overwhelm that pushed me into a corner that forced me to pull waaay back has started to simmer down. Juggling so many accounts used to be fine, because I was younger, and so were my cats. But these days we are all dealing with aching joints, crabby tummies and health issues. Jesse continues to get chemo, but less frequently, and despite losing weight he seems to be doing just fine. Try and tell that boy he can't spend the day outside in the Catio where it's still simmering in the tropical 90s, and you will get Housepanther Cattitude. 

Then we come to our resident ginger boy whose blood glucose numbers last week caused us to cancel our trip up to Michigan to enjoy family and the fall. We haven't been up there since 2021, so cancelling was hard for me. But as you all know, fur babies come first.

On September 29, the day before we were supposed to leave at dawn with Jesse and Opie coming along for the trip, Opie seemed “off.” His back feet were floppy and he was drinking and peeing a lot. I took a glucose reading at 1pm and was horrified to see a reading of 44. That’s very dangerous. So I fed him and gave him HydraCare. At 2pm his numbers had climbed to 129. By 8pm, just before his nighttime insulin dose, he was at 161. Those are good numbers. Previously his glucose curve on September 23rd averaged high 200s-high 300s. So his doctor upped his insulin from 3 to 4 units, then again raised his insulin to 5 units a short time later. So when I contacted his doctor she lowered his insulin back to 4 units. I’m thinking upping the dose from 3 to 4 to 5 over 7 days was just too aggressive for an old cat going on 17.

Opie has had CKD for a couple years but diabetes is still new territory for him. We lost ChauncieMarie, age 19, in June to the CKD/Diabetes combo, so we are familiar with the struggles that come from treating both.

There’s no food specific to cats battling CKD/Diabetes, so we are treating his CKD with K/D and HydraCare to keep him hydrated, and human Lantus to treat his diabetes.

I shot this video of Opie last night, acting uncharacteristically feisty with Peaches. They’ve been in a serious relationship since 2009, always loving and caring. So what she did to hiss him off I have no idea. Clearly Dori didn’t see it coming either. I mean, no one fusses with Queen Peaches. She's our resident ruler and we all bow to her.

He did in fact follow her into the cat apartment and went after her under the bed. She’s his age with CKD but bless her, she’s a bit more agile and was able to outrun him and return to the couch. He returned minutes later acting like nothing happened. Hmmm. Kitty dementia? Oh that should be lots of fun!

Thank you for reaching out to me while I've been dealing with blogging fatigue and one senior cat crisis after another. I reassured Dori she will be able to blog again. Her birthday is next week, so I'm sure she will have something to report about that.

Love you all, Kimberley Koz

Remembering ChauncieMarie, French Matriarch of the Wonderpurr Gang

ChauncieMarie, the French matriarch of the Wonderpurr Gang, who epitomized a joyous, exuberant and stylish influence over her adopted bourgeois family, has died. While she preferred to keep her age a mystery, it is believed she was eight months shy of celebrating her 20th anniversaire.

Though not inclined to speak of her past, a surprise dinner of mackerel to celebrate her tenth year with her forever family had her reminiscing about how she’d once been filled with too much joie de vivre that led her into the arms of a handsome but homeless rogue by the name of LePark. 

Without going into detail, she’d survived by begging and stealing, until she found mercy from a family who gave her a small cardboard pied-à-terre. The family called her Chauncy, thinking she was a boy – a rather fat boy as by then she was clearly enceinte with twin girls. 

Though grateful to them for saving her life, she knew she could not stay, especially when they allowed their little boys to name her daughters Bucket and Barney. Quelle horreur!

Freshly arrived at what would become her Forever Home,
ChauncieMarie loved shoes, especially Christian Louboutin.
Sadly, her new family preferred cheap rubber flipflops.
Zut alors!

When her petites filles were on their way to becoming young ladies, albeit little heathens as they loved to hunt mice in the adjacent field (clearly, they’d inherited their father’s proletariat DNA) the mysterious French girl Chauncy bid them adieu and set out to make a better life for herself. She did not have to go far. The chateau across the road recognized her as a well-heeled aristocrat with a mysterious past and changed her name to ChauncieMarie.

Struck that her adopted family desperately needed refinement, ChauncieMarie flicked back her left ear in what would become her trademark display of cultured elegance ala a feathery fascinator and went to work. For the next seventeen years she taught us that each day is a gift to celebrate, no matter what maladies plague your aging body. She loved her brothers and sisters without judgment, and upon retiring to Florida, spent her final years basking in sunshine.

On June 11TH, upon murmuring ‘Une vie honorable es tune vie éternelle’ – An honorable life is an eternal life - ChauncieMarie gained her heavenly wings. She is deeply missed.

Bedtime Story about a Man's Wife Who Has It Too Easy

Hi evfurrybuddy! It's me, Dori (wavy paws) with Bweaking Nooz! 

I have a surprise for yoo! It’s a Bedtime Story from my 2020 archives told during the start of the pandemic when everyone was fweaking out and needed something to laugh about.

Recently I’ve had requests to wesume telling Bedtime Stories. The stories I told four years ago are a little dated, but I'd be happy to wefresh them and also tell noo stories if the reaction to my old stories is favorable. 

So let’s begin with a story about a man who thought his stay at home wife had it too easy.

Thank yoo all for being my fwend. Sorry I've been unable to hang out with yoo for a while but at my house it's just a never-ending story about stuff that keeps me from my job as a Bweaking Nooz reporter and now a famous teller of Bedtime Stories. Mostly Momma has hurt front paws with something called car-pal tunnel, and also she's got a bunch of projects going behind the scenes. It's just exhausting to be around her these days. Anyway!

Until Next Time...

Happy International Children's Book Day


Hi evfurrybuddy, this is Dori *wavy paws*. Sorry we have been away - actually I wasn't, I was sleeping in my favorite sun puddle and making fwens with the USA branch of the Squirrelingtons while Momma has been overwhelmed by demands on her time that take her away from helping me to hang out with my vewy best fwens. 
Anyway! Today is International Children's Book Day. Mom just realized it as of an hour ago and I told her I wanted to post about it on my blog. I mean... our family blog. Of course Wabbit had to get involved. {heavy sigh} I would have done a better promotion if I'd been asked, but sadly I'm still behind closed doors while he's running loose like a wild dog hunting little Dori Deers. So sad.


Mom's best seller Finding Mya features the best cat in the world - my big brofur Hwermie aka Herman TattleCat. Not Wabbit - who is trying his best to be the baddest cat in the world. Wab’s book Diary of an AssRabbit is currently in the works. When am I gonna get my own book? I'm pwecious too!

Anyway! Finding Mya was written for adults to enjoy while reading to their children, and features original artwork by then-eight-year-old Mya Lyn Campbell, a fan of Herman’s who sent momma drawings of him that inspired this book. She even did a book signing in her home town! Love that so much.

FINDING MYA by Kimberley Koz is available on Amazon.

“Eight-year-old Mya has a magical relationship with her grandma’s foster kitten, Herman. They can talk to each other. Not with words. With tickle thoughts!

Then Mya’s vacation ends and Herman is adopted by a lady whose dog treats cats like chew toys. He vows to escape! But how will he find her? Mya says she will leave picture-maps along the road to her house. All he has to do is follow them and they will live Happily Ever After. It’s a great plan. Too bad it goes wrong right from the start.”

With the choking amount of vet bills we have incurred, I want to help out by promoting momma's books like Finding Mya, Sherlock Herms Purranormal Mysteries (starring me too), and her romance A Mad Fling, and her Christmas fantasy Kringle - all available on If yoo think someone yoo know might enjoy one of these stories, please pass along. Thank yoo so much!

Update on Wonderpurr Gang Health

I am happy to weport that we are finally seeing light at the end of a dark tunnel at my house. So many sick kittehs, me included, but we have been all enjoying great improvement since mid-March. Jesse is in remission, ChauncieMarie's insulin has been decreased down to half  of a one unit twice daily, Peaches had dental surgery last week and lost six teeth - our old vet was a poo poo head when it came to dental care - but our new doctor saw Peaches yesterday and said her healing is looking great. And best of all, I haven't had any weturns of Aliens or Wocks in my pee pee since my surgery in January. Yay!

So I'm thinking we may be on our way back to enjoying a normal social life, and writing more books. Wish us luck, and thank yoo all for yoor love and support. 

Until Next Time...

Jesse the Toothless Wonder in Full Remission

 Hi evfurrybuddy, this is Dori yoor Bweaking Nooz reporter for It's a Wonderpurr Life with incredibly good news. Jesse the Toothless Wonder is in Full Remission.


 Last September when our pawrents returned from a two week vacation, Momma noticed Jesse's eye looked very orange and strange. Our old veterinarian at the time was not able to determine the cause (and we later learned she had been giving ChauncieMarie the wrong type of insulin for feline diabetes so we bid her farewell)  and Jesse was taken to University of Florida Small Animal Hospital in Gainesville, Florida where they first thought he had a tumor, but later determined it was stage five lymphoma.

That started Jesse going for chemotherapy every week. However the two hour one way drive was very upsetting to Jesse, and when they tried to give him oral chemotherapy, his hyper salivating made it difficult. After this continuing for weeks, his doctors had a meeting with the big bosses to discuss this problem, and did the unthinkable. They asked if Mom would be willing to give Jesse his chemo pills. This isn't typical, but they were aware of Mom's lengthy cat rescue history and how she had been treating multiple cats for years for various problems. 

Recently there was concern because Jesse had lost a pound of weight. Because he's toothless, he cannot chew kibble, and if he enjoys too many, they bloat in his tummy and he will barf. Well, Daddy was giving him kibble before breakfast, unknown to Momma who also gave him kibble with his canned noms. And then she would give Jesse his prednisolone pill with a Churu to wash it down... resulting in barfs several times a week. 

Mom had tried to upgrade our noms to Weruva and Blue Buffalo, but Jesse wasn't thrilled with the new food and as a result he started eating less - although he begged snacks from Daddy a lot - resulting in mixed messages for all concerned. Finally Mom and Dad got on the same page. The doctor at Cat Care Clinic said to get 300 to 350 calories a day into Jesse. Mom went back to Fancy Feast pate - Jesse prefers the Beef flavored - and added kitten kibble to his meals. As a result, Jesse has gained back what he lost in two weeks.

Yesterday his university doctors wanted Jesse to have an ultrasound. They saw some more nodules so they took samples from his spleen, liver and kidneys. The samples were clear making them suspect this is just a part of Jesse's aging process. He will turn 15 on March 30th. They also gave him a B12 supplementation to encourage him to eat more.

We truly appreciate evfurryone keeping Jesse in yoor prayers. We are aware there are so many of  yoo fighting cancer, and want yoo to know we have yoo in our prayers too.

Until Next Time...