Welcome to the Wonderpurr new game show, Will You Be My Valentine? where one lovely young lady questions three bachelors to decide which she would enjoy having accompany her on a fabulously exotic vacation date. I'm your host. Herman TattleCat, and these are the lucky Bachelors:
Bachelor Numpurr One is known as The Cat Who Gives Back. When you buy him a treat on his website, he will donate proceeds to animal rescues, feline health research, TNR and everything else to help animals. Being a feral TNR rescue himself, this bachelor recently had his Basepaws DNA examined to discover he's an impressive mix of Siberian, American Shorthair, Maine Coon, Russian Blue, and Abyssian, along with a bit of Persian, Bengal, Savannah, Burmese and Egyptian Mau thrown in.
Livin the dream on Canada's Cape, meet the guy you all know as @ItsMeKevin_theCat.
Bachelor Numpurr Two says he was adopted under false pretenses, and ended up living on a boat owned by a Vegan/Knit addict who posts photos of delicious noms on @TheVeganGalley. While he is currently land-bound for winter, during the summer months you can find him sailing up and down the American East Coast. Please welcome Turkish Van mix, Peanut, the guy you all know as @ImABoatCat.
HERMAN TATTLECAT: Bachelor Numpurr Three admits to being a special needs, emotionally challenged AssRabbit. Diagnosed with a personality disorder known as Brat Syndrome, it is said he has a total lack of impulse control, and boasts of being a role model for bad behavior. One of this bachelor's many talents is his ability to fetch, wear costumes, as well as climb ladders, all of which made National news when HLN host Robin Meade showcased him on Pet Moments last year. Please meet Rabbit, whose Turkish Van pedigree papers display the unlikely name of @Hermes_LuxuryCat.
KEVIN: Hiya, Lolly!
HERMAN TATTLECAT: Thank you, and Bachelor Numpurr Two?
PEANUT: Looking forward to meeting you, Lolly.
HERMAN TATTLECAT: Annnnd Bachelor Numpurr Three?
RABBIT: Hull-low, Lolly!
HERMAN TATTLECAT: Okay, they sound ready to go. If you have your questions ready, let's see how well you get to know them in the next eight minutes. So get comfortapurr, and start when you're ready.
LOLLY: Bachey-lor Numpurr One: What’s your strangest quirk?
KEVIN: I don’t “cat”
very well. Considering imma cat that’s strange, right? I mean, I could cat if I
wanted to. But I like to keep my options open.
LOLLY: Numpurr Two?
PEANUT: I hate playing
by myself. Will you be my play mate? *wiggles flirty whiskers*
RABBIT: I take myself off
to bed at 6pm every night. But I expect a snack in my bowl before I fall asleep. Mom says I’m precious that way.
LOLLY: How would your
Mom describe you in three words? Bachey-lor Two?
PEANUT: Mr. High.
LOLLY: I like the sound of that! Bachey-lor One?
KEVIN: Handsome. Debonair. Crazy good looking….he says modestly.
LOLLY: And Bachey-lor
RABBIT: Relentless.
Intelligent. Powerful. *flexes claws at the camera*
LOLLY: Where is your
favorite place to spend time?
KEVIN: With the ladies! *wiggles eyebrows into camera* Humma Humma…and in my fav window looking at the birds and random cats in our back yard. They live in fear of me getting out, I tell ya.
PEANUT: I like a good
paper bag.
RABBIT: My Zen Den where
I go to meditate. This should tell you I am a cool, sensitive guy… but not a
LOLLY: Bachey-lors, what one word describes your life?
PEANUT: Complicated.
LOLLY: Numpurr Three, you mean Madcap as
in foolhardy, harebrained and stupid?
RABBIT: Uhhh, No! I… I meant like crazy fun, except you said only one word and I was like well, if I said Crazy, then that would give you the wrong impression about me.
PEANUT: Or the right one, from my point of mew.
RABBIT: Give me your phone number after the show, Peanut, so I can send you a selfie of me and Lolly on
our fabulous vacation date.
LOLLY: Bachey-lor
Numpurr One, what’s your theme song?
KEVIN: I’m Just a Gigolo
PEANUT: Cool Change by
Little River Band
LOLLY: And Three?
RABBIT: *throws back head
and yowls* Born to be Wiiiild *makes motorcycle purr sound effects*
LOLLY: Gosh! I don't think my Momma would let me ride a motorcycle. Bachey-lors, what kind of weather forecast would our relationship be?
A-Always sunny
B-Partly cloudy
C-Rash and unpredictable
D-Like a tornado
KEVIN: D--A tornado in a
good way. RAWR! *breaks into song* Thought
you'd change the weather, Start a little storm, Make a little rain, But I'm
gonna do one better, Hide the sun until you pray, I'm a tornado, Looking for a
soul to take!
RABBIT: I’m Rash and
unpredictable, with a side order of tornado. *breaks into song* If you change your mind, I'm the first in line, Honey I'm
still free, Take a chance on me!
I have to still do this, Momma? They’re singing to me. What? But I don’t like
them singing. It hurts my ears. *sighs* Ohhh-kay Bachy-lor Numpurr Two, what
kind of weather forecast would you be? *puts paws over ears*
PEANUT: Rash and unpredictable. Sorry I don’t like to sing.
LOLLY: Great! I pick you.
Game over!
Lolly, in order to win the fabulous trip to an exotic location, you
really need to give the other Bachelors a chance.
LOLLY: *heavy sigh* I
just wanted to be on teevee. Ohhh-kay. Bachey-lor Numpurr One, give three
random facts about mew. And NO SINGING!
KEVIN: Well, I don’t like shrimp. Which is weird because I love seafood. Also, I talk big, but actually I am very, very sweet. And third, I have serious street creds. You see, Lolly, before I was catnapped I roamed the streets. You’ll always be safe with me because of my gansta history.
LOLLY: Bachey-lor Numpurr Two?
PEANUT: I love meeting new people while I’m out and about. Fuzzy blankets are my weakness. And I sit like a very distinguished gentleman, a lot.
LOLLY: *squeals* That sounds so cuuuute! And Madcap boy, three random facts about mew.
RABBIT: I have such sensitive skin, I got a bad burn from a dose of Frontline Plus. *makes sad eyes into camera* Also, I can bleat like a goat. I’d be glad to purrform for you if you pick me.
LOLLY: That's two. What else?
RABBIT: This is embarrassing to admit but, I needed a bath
after my first trip to the vet. The reason is better left to one’s imagination.
LOLLY: Wait-- are you saying you poo'd your britches? That must have been very embarrassing for you.
RABBIT: Yeah. Especially now that you made it abundantly clear to everyone watching.
LOLLY: *giggles* Bachey-lor Numpurr One, what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to mew?
KEVIN: I got catnapped!
Ya… I was a rough and tough street dude until I was catnapped. I felt kinda
sorry for my ‘nappers, so I started to like them. I think I’m a text book case
for Stockholm Syndrome.
LOLLY: Numpurr Two?
PEANUT: Once I went to
jump but forgot I had a harness on and ended up dangling mid-air for a bit.
Life lesson here: Look before you leap.
LOLLY: And Numpurr Three?
RABBIT: Besides getting
bathed by the Vet I’d just met, I tried to jump UP a window, but slid down the
wall and slipped behind the sofa. Mom, of course, caught it on video. In my
defense, I was just a little kid.
LOLLY: Are you a talker,
or the silent type, Numpurr One?
KEVIN: I talk, but I also
know how to whisper in fluffy ears… *affects a voice like Antonio Banderas* Me-OW!
LOLLY: Numpurr Two? Silent or chatty?
LOLLY: I love silence, and I love pizza, so I’m definitely going to pick you, Numpurr Two.
Miss Lolly!
LOLLY: *heavy sigh*
Bachey-lor Numpurr Three?
RABBIT: I’m vocal when
excited, but I know when to be silent, mostly cuz you girls like to talk so
much, it’s hard to get a word in edgewise. Wait. That came out wrong. Can I get
a do-over?
LOLLY: Bachey-lor Numpurr One, have you ever caught something alive, and if so, what did you do with it?
KEVIN: I did, but it was too big to eat…so I just almost tore off the finger. As mentioned, I also have some street creds so I’m a good hunter. *crosses arms, throws a smug Winner-Take-All look at Bachelors 2 and 3.*
RABBIT: You wouldn’t
guess to look at me, but I’m a fast and furious hunter. I’ve got notches in my
tail for my trophy kills. The most recent was a tiny frog who got down on his
knees and begged me let him go. I did. But only after Mom grabbed me by the
ruff, pried open my jaws of death, and rescued Froggy. I think he peed on Mom
as a parting gift. *mimics Kevin, crossing arms and throwing him a smug look*
PEANUT: Yes, I'm a hunter, Lolly, but it got away. I put its tail in my food bowl so I could show my family that I do contribute to the pantry. This should tell you I’m capable of supporting mew, and seeing to your needs. *shows flashy tail to camera*

Peanut sure is one lucky guy! Good Choice, Lolly!
ReplyDeleteWho's the next bachelorette?
Whoa....we were on the edge of our seats wondering who she would pick!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
yeah, i wudda picked nummer too too
ReplyDeleteConcatulations, Lolly and Peanut! I hope your prize vacation is as much fun as the contest was!
ReplyDeletehermz thiz izza awesum heartz day oh loves post.... two funnee !!
ReplyDeletehaz a grate time in da troit lolly and peanut !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥
lolly ewe iz one gorgeouz gal...yur date choizez all bee sum handsum doodz two ☺☺♥♥
Great choice, Lolly! I hope you both have a great date.
ReplyDeleteLolly! Peanut! What an amazing sow! We hope your trip to Detroit is all that you expect it to me and you guys have a fabulishious time! Thanks everyone at Wonderpurr and HermanTattleCat for presenting the Will You Be My Valentine? Show! Appaws! Appaws! We LOVED it!
ReplyDeleteTotally Awsome and have a marvellously Happy Day!
That was a fun read!
ReplyDeleteLolly is the cutest bachelorette ever! Maybe her Mama can go on he date with her as she seems so innocent!!!