It's Official. Dori Turns Professional.


I have exciting news! It's official. I've turned pawfessional.

Pawfessional what? Meowdel? Nooo, although I got a lot of admiring compliments when I showed off wearing my new birthday sweater with the plaid skirt.

Pawfessional Bweaking Nooz Repurrter? Nooo, although my repurrting at the Cat Olympics in 2020 is still being talking about among the judges, and charges are still pending on whether or not I had anything to do with some of the disqualifications among the competitors.

Pawfessional singer? Well, yes. My hits Purrple Underpants, Lets Go Outside and Don't You Put A Bitey (On Me) are still on the Top 10 Greatest Hits List for Pretty Tabby Cats.

But despite all of my accompliments, I'm now an pawfessional froggy hunter.

This is how it happened:

So, Enquiring Minds want to know...

Have yoo ever had the lovely experience of catching something squishy in yoor mouth? And if so, what happened? Did yoo lick it? Did yoo bite? Did yoo *gasp* eat it?

Please let me know, as I'm building a case for my Momma who says anything we catch alive in our Catio is not on the menu and must be handed over without any growling or sassy talk.

Until next time...


  1. Way to go, Dori. You crack me up too. Great video.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  2. When the boys were young they found a frog in the hedge. They gave it licks to see what it tasted like but it gave them frothy mouths. They never tried to taste a frog again.

  3. We have a friend who told us that his dog caught a toad in the backyard (this is in Ohio, not some exotic tropical country) and after gumming it around a bit, the dog acted drunk. So be careful Dori.

  4. I'm sure you will be a wonderfully good Kermit Keeper sweet Dori!

  5. Dori, you are so darn cute. I love your video telling of how became a professional. :)

  6. i wood fink dat froggies taste kinda......froggy, which iz nofing like da taste ov punkin spice

  7. WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! Anything you catch is fair game! Last weekend, I caught TWO crickets and my Mom stole both of them. She put them outside and wouldn't let me go after them! When will our humans appreciate us? ~Latte


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