Jesse the Toothless Wonder

Dear Friends, Yesterday Jesse had his first appointment with the oncology team at University of Florida Small Animal Hospital. The ultrasound revealed lymphoma is present in multiple areas of his body, including his spleen which puts him in the Stage 5 category. However, the team notes that Jesse’s lymphoma has highly unusual or atypical features. His cells are intermediate, neither small which are good, nor large which are bad. They also cannot be 100% sure of what the organ of origin was. While technically very advanced because it is present in so many different places, he has apparently no clinical signs, which is usually not the case when the disease has spread this far.

Jesse was administered his first dose of cyclophosphamide, with a daily prednisolone prescription. His eye looks fabulous, so the drops are working to simmer down inflammation. Because Jesse is not checking all the typical boxes for a cancer of this type, his doctors want to see him in another week to determine how his body is reacting to the treatment.

The oncology team expressed yesterday, just like the ophthalmology team did back in November, that Jesse was “a very sweet boy” who took both the lengthy examination and treatment with grace. His Resident Intern Clinician mentioned that when cats react strongly to being in this kind of environment, their treatment can be negatively affected. Clearly, this won’t be a problem for Jesse. His lead oncologist is celebrity Dr. Rowan Milner, who has twice received Clinician of the Year awards. And in recognition of his development of a new melanoma vaccine and for other research, Milner was named Clinical Researcher of the Year by the Florida Kennel Club. He also won the Pfizer Award for Research Excellence and received a faculty enhancement opportunity award from the Office of the Provost at UF. Despite this heartbreaking diagnosis, we think Jesse is in great hands.

During these first couple of days while the cyclophosphamide goes to work, we have been told his poop and pee will require special care in handling. So, he’s hanging out in my office, which he thinks is great, to avoid the other cats from using his litter box.

We are all about positivity, despite having numerous senior cats requiring advanced medical attention, so please refrain from commenting with premature condolences. You would never know Jesse is sick to look at him. He’s eating fine, active, and strong. Thank you all for your prayers and support.  Kim


  1. I'll just send tons of prayers for Jesse.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  2. That is what is called good news within bad. We hope Jesse hangs around with you for a good long while yet!

    The Chans

  3. Mega purrs and prayers to sweetest Jesse from all of us here.

  4. dood we think ewe look like de my tee hansum houz panther ewe iz‼️
    we iz buzzed happee yur bee in looked afturr bye de best N we due hope
    therz sum trout N salmon on that dinner plate 🐟🐠

  5. jesse, we luv yoo!!!! sending hugz and kissez and churus!!!!

  6. Dori, we hopez yoo r feeling butter!!!!

  7. Jesse is a wonder cat and I am sure he is in good hands. I am praying for the ones
    you are treating for many problems right now. Folded hands and folded paws from Precious

  8. While we are sorry about the diagnosis, it's clear that Jesse is indeed a wonder. So we will keep on purring and praying and sending llove for him and all of you. XO

  9. Sending Jesse and all who care for him purrayers and Power of the Paw. Sounds like he has a few things working in his favor. Stay strong Jesse !

  10. I am glad Jesse's situation is hopeful. He has the best parents. XO

  11. How truly wonderful that Jesse is able to receive such amazing care from such an excellent team of doctors and specialists, we will continue with paws together for him.

  12. Hope all goes well with Jesse's treatment. Ernie has small cell lymphoma and I have never been told about keeping him and his litter box separate from other cats...even when he was taking cyclophosphamide for a short time.

  13. I am sorry to hear the diagnosis, but as you say, Jesse is looking great. It sounds like he has a wonderful team helping him. I hope the treatment works well for him and he has a lot longer with you. Sending love and hugs for all who need them.

  14. Dori, we hope your fire pee iz feeling better. Jesse, we love you. Chauncie marie, hugz and kisses

  15. Oh no, we are so very sorry to read this :( Jessie dude, we'll send mew oodles of healing purrs.

    We did stop by to wish mew all much joy and many blessings for the festive season... so here goes...

    Meowy Catmas sweet furiends, and we hope mew have an epically epic festive season! πŸŽ„πŸ˜»πŸΎπŸΎπŸ˜»πŸŽ„


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