Sunshine Girl
Dear Frens,
This past week I was helping my momma purge old photos and stuff off our computer when suddenly, we found this adorable video of me playing in my backyard. Filmed two years ago before we moved to FloryDa, we watched in silence, remempurring the good times that little backyard gave us.
Our backyard was actually very big, with a creek running through the backhalf. However, as Momma told me, shortly after they moved in, my brofur Hwermie bolted out the door, and Momma had to chase him down through several yards. She was fearful he would take a sharp right and jump into the creek.
He Who Must Not Be Tolerated
Hello Frens, this is Dori. *wavy paws*
Today is Tuesday, and I'm feeling distwessed.
First of all, I hope yoo are experiencing fresh air and sunshine now that Spring has sprung.
At my house Daddy purrchased flowers in blue and yellow and pink to brighten up our front porch. Those are Momma's favorite colors, and make her happy. Daddy says if color makes Momma happy, then by gosh he's going to buy every blue, yellow and pink colored flower he can find.
Now that I've got the pleasantries out of the way, back to me feeling distwessed.
Yoo see, because of the restwaining odor I have against He Who Must Not Be Tolerated, I am locked in my castle suite while he runs amok throughout the house. This is not fair. It should be HWMNBT locked up all day while I run amok. However, there's a rumor going around that he had a Freedom During the Day clause put into his adoption contwact.
Seek First to Understand
Dear Diary – While lounging in my momanager’s lap this weekend, I demanded she pay attention to me instead of the book she was reading. She told me, “After I finish this chapter about Seek First to Understand.”
“What’s that mean?”
“Essentially, it implies that you become more
interested in understanding others, and less in having other people understand
you. If you want fulfilling communication that benefits you and others,
understanding others must come first.”
To which I replied…
“Pffft! I’m a cat. I’m all about me.”