Hi evfurrybuddy, it’s me, Dori. *wavy paws* Guess what? Yesterday I celebrated my birthday! Nooo, I’m not wevealing how old I am cuz us wimmen need to keep some mystery as we age.
I got lots of presents. My my favorite is a soft cushion snuggled between Momma and
Daddy’s pillows where I sleep at night. I also got a small soft pink blanket
with poky dots, and a little pink ball. And I got a sweater dwess with a plaid
skirt. I will meowdel for yoo.
I also got Friskies Cheesy treats - a huge bag but I have to share with my fursibs. And I got a package of Churu's that I really love a lot. So I had a nice day celebrating me.
Recently my momma was purging an enormous box of papers in her office, and she came across my baby diary kept during the first months after I was rescued. I've given purrmission for her to publish the first month here for yoor viewing enjoyment.