Slobber Pillows and Zoomies
Dear Friends,
Bweaking Nooz! Christmas is only 19 sleeps away, so if yoo
are stalling to buy presents or write greeting cards, I encourage yoo to get
yoor act together today, cuz eating a daily bowl of stress is no way to spend
the approaching holidays.
Sadly, not everyone takes my advice. Momma didn’t design our Christmas card until two weeks ago, and then, despite calling the company to make sure envelopes were included with postcards, the envelopes did not arrive. However, because customer service was wrong, they refunded the cost of shipping. So, Momma then jumped on Prime to get them delivered the next day. And, of course, she padded that order with a few things because let’s face it, stress requires comfort, be it sugar, likker, or a little shopping spree.
'Tiz the Season to Be Bizzy
Thankful to be Naturally Sweet
Bweaking Nooz! Yes, I know it's time for Tuesdays with Dori, but there has been a great upset at my house and so I must inpurrrupt yoor normally scheduled progwam for ...
Last week my pawrents celebwated their annipurrsary of being meowied to each other for-- I wasn't able to get a direct quote, but I did overhear joocy rumors of them having known each other for at least one hundred years.
Lost in Translation
Dear Frens, this is Dori. *wavy paws*. I hope this week has started off on a good foot for yoo, without the usual drama that accompanies Mondays. Purrsonally, I don't understand the growling over the first day of the work week, but then I've never worked a day in my life.
In fact, I don't know the meaning of work. But that's another topic for another day. Today I feel I must address something I became aware of while eavesdropping on my pawrents over the weekend.
To set the scene, I was draped over the sofa arm with my attention focused on Momma's dinner plate while Daddy sat a few cats down at the opposite end of the sofa, shoveling his food into his mouth as fast as he could while ChauncieMarie leaned heavily into him, hoping for a bite to fall into her mouth.