Dear Mister Ralph Fiennes,
First, concatulations on yoor success as an actor. I didn’t
know who yoo were until my momma sat me down for a Ralph Fiennes mewvee marathon,
but now I have a pretty good idea of what yoor all about.
I was calling yoo RAL-pfff FIE-ness until my mom corrected
me and said yoo pronounced yoor name Raif. Raif Fines. I thought she was
pulling my tail, so I checked Speech Modification on YouTube and sure enough,
she was right.
I’m not asking yoo to change yoor name since you’ve been an actor a long time… longer than I’ve been alive… but maybe, when yoo are doing a new mewvee, yoo could turn to the camera when yoo first appear and introduce yoorself by slowly enunciating the correct way to say yoor name. This will avoid confusion for others like me.