Dear Friends who read my bloggy, and my Instagwam and Facebook pages, this is for yoo.
I am thankful this Thankful Thursday because yoo have supported me throughout my career as a writer on my Tuesdays with Dori, a Bweaking Nooz reporter, an Inferior Dekkorator, a storyteller, and a fashun meowdel. Momma says I'm probably ADHD because I change careers as often as I change my mind about which noms I like. But that's okay because yoo all applaud and give me encouragement.
Without yoo I'd just be another pampurred housecat lying around the house, seeking out sun puddles and playing with my favorite toys. But no. Because of yoo I haz eleventy billion followers (editors note: cats can't count) and I get to enjoy visiting all of yoo on yoor pages.
Wasn't life sad before the inpurrnet was invented? I asked Momma about the Dark Ages before Inpurrnet and she agreed it was very Dark.
So, I just want to tell yoo I'm thankful for yoor friendships, and love yoo all dearly.
Today I'm joining Brian's Blog Hop for Thankful Thursday. But I'm not just Thankful on Thursdays. I want yoo to know I'm thankful evfurry day of the week. Love, Dori