Cat Daddy's Day Celebration

Hi everyone, it's me Dori. *wavy paws* I wanted to check in with yoo to make sure yoo are doing well and the summertime hoomiditty hasn't melted yoor bwains. Yes, I know Summer doesn't offically start until next Wednesday, but here in FloryDa it has been hunkered down like a smelly ol' toad in our catio since April. In case yoo are wonderpurring, my bwains are nice 'n chill... like plump pink shwimps relaxing on a bed of ice chips. It's the Tabby Way to be chill during the worst of summer heat.

So, what have yoo been up to since we last meowed? Are yoo following the Yellowstone saga where Kevy Costner is definitely leaving and making everyone else in the cast lose their jobs? Or that Laramie and Walker are a couple in real life?

Diary of an AssRabbit - Regretful Monday

Anybuddy else having a Regretful Monday? Thinking that homegrown catnip I got off of Misty at @Misty.s_World was a bit more potent than I'm used to. Probably her Appalachian Mountain air adds a THC-ish kick we don't get here in Florida.

All I'm saying is... I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done. Amirite?

PeeEss - bet you checked @ShiteyKitteh's IG didn't you?

How We Spent Our Memorial Day Weekend

Dearest Friends, We hope yoo are in the process of recovering from a long, fun-filled holiday weekend, and didn’t overindulge in too many hot dogs slathered with mustard and catsup with extra relish and potato salad on the side. With chips and Coca Cola. And blueberry pie. Never skip the pie.

Momma bought us a can of shredded crabmeat to celebrate, but only Wabbit seemed to like it. If she had bothered to text me I could’ve saved her three dollars by telling her to spend the money wisely on Churus.

Anyway, we had a very exciting weekend and … wait for it… all because Momma took Chevy and Nikolas to see Dr. Feelgood on Thursday. I know, good things normally don’t come from being crammed into a pet carrier and driven to the ends of the earth, only to be poked and prodded by a stranger who smells like dogs and foreign cats. But Thursday was a rare exception.

Wonderpurr Gift Ideas for Cat Daddy's Day


Hi Frens, it's me, Elly. True, I don't get much facetime on It's a Wonderpurr Life what with Dori kinda hogging the attention... like always... don't get me started.

Anyway! I'm here to show you what I bought my Daddy for Cat Daddy's Day. It's a purrsonalized coffee mug with me lying exactly on his back like I do evfurry night. Daddy is my favorite. And I'm his favorite! So I wanted to get him something that he would love. ME! is all about cats and their hoomons. You can buy mugs with up to five cats on them, designed to look like your own kittehs. And you can put their names on them. You can choose the color of skin and hair and add a beard on the hoo-dad if you want. 

There are mugs for all occasions. Plus tee shirts and tote bags and pillows and iPhone cases, and even ornaments. And you design each one to look exactly how your loved ones look in purrson!

If you click below - or even on the sidebar - you will automatically get 10 purrcent off your order. also is generous about giving you money back for sharing their codes. So this is a really great gift idea. Not only for Cat Daddy's Day, but also for all occasions, or with just phrases like:

Proud Cat Mother of... 

Cat Mother Coffee Lover

Yes, I'm the Crazy Cat Lady

I Don't Need An Alarm, I Have a Cat

Every Day is Caturday

There are bunches of phrases to pick from. So don't delay. Cat Daddy's Day is three weeks away! 

Be sure to click our code link on the image below or on our sidebar so we can get credits toward future orders. 

Now go off and have a Wonderpurr Day!

Meow! Meow! Meow! We Want Our Kibble Back Now!


DORI: Hi evfurry buddy, this is Dori. *half-hearted wavy paws.* I usually welcome yoo to Kick the Litter with a perky little paragraph about how we like to mix hoomor with intelligent debate over Hot Topics that pertain to us cats, but fwankly there’s nuthin’ hoomorous about today’s Hot Topic and I’m too upset to do anything more than growl.

Drastic Change In Diet is Cause for Rebellion

OPIE: We’re all upset because our mom has gotten some insane notion that kibble is causing problems and we need to take a huge step back from eating it. That's Boo-Sheet!

DORI: It’s because of yoo, KC. Yoo are to blame!

KC: What? I didn’t do nuthin’.

DORI: Yoo most certainly did, mister! Yoo turned into a voracious kibbie junkie, pestering our momma until she felt the need to Gogle why yoo are so hungry even after nomming yoor meals.