Bionic Basil's Amber Reviews Finding Mya

Everyone in the "Know" knows the lovely Amber from Bionic Basil's B-Team does an EPIC job of reviewing books, all with cats in them.

Who doesn't love to read books with cats in them? Especially books where the cat is a major player, and not just a artistic flourish on the cover of a mystery novel.

We at invited Amber to host our BEACH READS feature, and joyfully she meow'd "Yes!" If you care to read all of Amber's book reviews, please paw her photo to the left.

For our BEACH READS selection, the featured novels will be listed below. Please paw the link to the corresponding novel to enjoy Amber's recommendation for your reading enjoyment, any time of the year.

Seriously! If it's cold, rainy or blizzardly, why not spread a blanket under a lamp, grab a cool drink and put on sunglasses while you enjoy a great read.

My Mew Year's Resolution

Hi evfurrybuddy, it's me Dori! *wavy paws* 

Do yoo make rezzylooshuns? Us cats are not prone to planning ahead, especially committing to something that is supposed to last all year long. However, I am making a special rezzylooshun in the case of my brofur, Wabbit.

Yoo see, my welationship wif Wabbit has finally peaked, and we are taking a bweak.

I showed just how unhappy I am about being Wabbit's play toy the other night when I marched up to the couch and turned my tail to it. Momma saw me and gasped with disbelief! It was only a slight spray, but it made a huge impression. Momma consulted Dr Google and he said stwess was the main reason I spwayed. 

New Years Date with Baunilha

From our home to yours, wishing you a new year filled with joy, health and above all, true friendship.

Ginger Kitty and Jumper Cables


Hi evfurrybuddy! It's me, Dori *wavy paws* all excited because Christmas is on Caturday next week. Is it just my momma, or did Christmas get here way too fast? She said all her energy went into shopping and wrapping gifts, so this year she's skipping the part where she traditionally bakes biscotti.

I got a surprise package this week from Miz Janet over at The Cat on my Head who said she thought I needed Ginger Kitty, a little toy that looks like a gingerbread cat, to make me feel better. I've had a rough year because of Wabbit, who now thinks I'm his prey and needs to be hunted at all cost. He is not James Bond. Wabbit does not have a license to kill. So I had to move into the master bedwoom to live wif the seniors in order to avoid him.