Breaking News: Chicken Thief Lives Among Us

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 Sorry my important nooz inpurrupted yoor programming. But when I discovered a chicken thief living in my very own kitchen, I felt it was my doody to alert the world.

Until Next Time...

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copyright KimberleyKoz

FIV-Positive Cats Deserve a Forever Home Too


DORI: Welcome everybuddy to another episode of Kick the Litter, a brand-new feature here on It’s a Wonderpurr Life where members of my family, comprised of cats from varying backgrounds, generations, and breeds, gather each week to mix humor with intelligent debate over Hot Topics that pertain to not only us, but to cats in general all over the world.

We hope by daring to meow about these risky topics we will educate humans who sadly are still living in the Dark Ages when it comes to cats.

Today's Hot Topic up for discussion is:


Joining me today are Elly, Chevy and my daddy, Nikolas. One out of the three is not positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, otherwise known as FIV+. By looking at their faces, care to guess which one?

ELLY: Hi, I’m Elly. Tomorrow is my sixth Gotchversary. Yes, tomorrow February 17th. When I arrived in the yard of my future Forever Home, I was a little over a year old. I had made friends with a handsome mancat named Noah who told me he knew where I could find food. I’d been living in a colony for a while, but that was a scary place. So, I followed Noah to a yard that smelled of raccoons and dog food. I thought Noah maybe had lost his mind, but he looked expectantly at the house, and soon a lady came out with kitty food and fresh water. She was so nice, and I wasn’t afraid of her at all. A couple days later she took me to a doctor so I could be adopted. That’s when she got the bad news. I was FIV+.

5 Reasons Why You Want to be Alone on Valentine's Day


Maybe it’s a Sign, but today is Valentine’s Day and it’s also the debut of my new Tuesdays with Dori feature:
Wake-Up Call. To me, a wake-up call is something that happens to make yoo realize that, if yoo are not happy, maybe it’s time for yoo to take action to change a situation, be it in your attitude or what’s going on in your life.
What better day than this could I possibly talk to yoo about being single and alone?
First, let me introduce the elephant in the woom: being single on Valentine’s Day. There is nothing wrong with being single. I’m single, kinda. My boifren Pwetzel lives in Wales. Not much womance going on since we only see each other on Instagwam. Anyway, I hope by now women all over the world have moved past the notion that being a couple is mandatory.
The biggest misconception about Valentine’s Day is that it’s meant for lovers only, which painfully pokes at those who are spending February 14th uncoupled with the idea that they should be sulking in a corner.
Nonsense. February 14th was originally a Christian feast day honoring a Christian martyr named Saint Valentine who supposedly restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer, and then wrote a letter to her signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell before his execution. I wasn’t there, but I’m pretty sure the girl wasn’t sulking in the corner over not getting some flowers and a box of chocolates.
So, for those of yoo who are moaning about not having a womantical pawtner for this one day out of the year, let me reassure, yoo are better off. Why? 
Here are my 5 Reasons to Celebrate Being Alone on Valentine’s Day.

Will You Be My Valentine Game Show


Welcome to Will You Be My Valentine? where one lovely young lady questions three bachelors to decide which she would enjoy having accompany her on a fabulously exotic vacation date. I'm your host. Herman TattleCat, and these are the lucky Bachelors:

Sneaky Ways Humans Give Us Medicine

copyright KimberleyKoz

DORI: Welcome to Kick the Litter, a bwand-new feature here on It’s a Wonderpurr Life where members of our family, comprised of cats from varying backgrounds, generations, and bweeds, gather each week to mix humor with intelligent debate over Hot Topics that pertain to not only us, but to cats in general all over the world. Hi evfurrybuddy, I’m yoor host, Dori, the Baba Wawa of the cat blogging world. *wavy paws* 

ChauncieMarie at 18

copyright KimberleyKoz - ChauncieMarie

Our Supurr Senior ChauncieMarie celebrates her 18th Birthday on Thursday, February 9th. 

To honor her we made a short video to showcase how active and awesome she is despite old bones and kidney disease.